About Odours
What is an odour?
The sense of smell is a primal sense for humans and animals. From an evolutionary standpoint it is one of the most ancient of senses. Smell (or Olfaction) allows us to identify food, mates, predators, and provides both sensual pleasure (the odour of flowers and perfume) as well as warnings of danger (e.g. spoiled food, chemical dangers). For both humans and animals, it is one of the important means by which our environment communicates with us.
Odour is a property of a mixture of substances capable of stimulating the olfaction sense sufficiently to trigger a sensation of odour.

Odour characterisation
Odour is considered a nuisance when people can perceive it in their living environment and:
When an individual experiences an odour nuisance, the following factors should be taken into account to determine the level of annoyance:

Short online course
Two different MOOCs have been created to explore and to teach the not-so-well-known problem of odour pollution and are available in English, Greek and Spanish. The first MOOC, addressed to the general public, offers the opportunity to understand some of the factors contributing to odour pollution and how it affects our lives. The second MOOC is specifically designed for formal and non-formal educators and provides a set of learning activities that they can use in their teaching context. Both MOOCs examine the impacts - environmental, social, health and economic- of odour pollution and what some of the available tools for tackling the problem are.